Wednesday 14 July 2010


It is hard for me to believe the last post here was all of two weeks ago! Why, oh why, did I share about priorities a few weeks ago? I have had to exercise that ‘rule’ in my life ever since!

Besides writing another blog post, some things in my life simply had to take first place. This evening I am feeling rather weary after another busy day, but do have to share with you.

First of all there was my monthly Society Women Writers Tasmania monthly meeting. As I have been helped so tremendously by being a member of various writers’ groups, over the years I have urged folk getting serious about their writing to join a writers’ group – especially a local one to have face to face fellowship. Some less busy period than this in my life I hope to share more about some of those groups.
I am currently president of SWWT and we enjoyed having Peter Durkin as our guest. He is the owner of a personal service bookshop, Petrach, in Launceston. He generously shared several things he wished authors knew about bookshops such as, 'Why does he buy some books to sell to the public and not others?' It was an excellent time and he answered many questions from the group.
That Monday set the pace for the rest of the week. We were in the middle of having the delightful Horton family from Texas come to share with our small church fellowship and community. A busy but such a blessed time in many, many ways. Seeing folk start to come to grips with Christ’s claims on their lives is awesome, mind-blowing!
The last two weeks before the Hortons arrived, as well as trying to organise the programme for them, our son and daughter-in-law were going through a very hectic and stressful time negotiating to take over a local tourist business. Several years ago, before they bought their Seahorse Australia breeding farm, it was part of this Seahorse World company.
As of July 1st, it is once again the one company! It means a big change in our lives. While Ray is a volunteer at the businesses, I am trying to support them by helping with child-minding and housework where I can.

There is quite a story of how God has made it so clear that this is all part of His plans for them. We are so proud of them for their faith and commitment to Christ and His will in their lives. While it may take more of our own energy and time, Ray and I feel so privileged to be part of all that is happening in their lives. There has been a down-turn in tourism to our beautiful Tasmania island so this is a real venture of faith! God’s ways are not always our ways, so whether they are successful or not He will achieve His purposes in and through this venture!

If you are interested, do go to the websites.

Today I cared for our gorgeous two year old granddaughter and our eight month old grandson while an order of seahorses was packed to ship to an American customer!

So, that has been my week – well. . .in between still trying to edit my current manuscript which is proving a slow process! Hopefully it now will be next on that Priority List.

Nope! Next is keeping my promise to post out those promised little gifts to my Followers and those of you who have commented on Ray’s last Meditation Moment. I am still waiting on a couple to let me have their postal addresses!

As those ‘priorities’ permit, I will be interviewing other writers and have more giveaways – especially of our books!


  1. Wow, Mary, you have been busy! I hope you have a chance to rest and work on your edits this week :-)

  2. LOL, Narelle! As you know, still haven't finished those edits - and I shouldn't be playing here!


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