Monday 26 September 2011

Tough days - and nights

I missed my blog last Thursday and now Ray has only just arrived home after a busy day and does not have a devotional ready for you. He has been busy revising material for other 31 Day Devotional meditation books while I have had a nasty bout of the influenza. In fact, the nights are even worse than the days because of blocked sinues, fever and all those nasty things that accompany this seasonal curse.

So, what are you like when the days and nights are "tough" going?
I'm afraid I have to fight feeling sorry for myself. These last few days were even more frustrating because our Church fellowship had three days of special meetings with the Australian Director of Friends of Israel on the Theme, Israel in Prophecy. The wind here was freezing and so I had to be wise - and disciplined - and only able to attend a daytime meeting. We have been very very encouraged by the support for these meetings and Dr Deane Woods and his wife Margaret stayed with us although I've tried hard not to cough etc, etc anywhere near them. But I have to confess to feeling really down about not feeling at all well. This is why I remembered this verse from a plaque I've had for many, many years  and want to share it with you.

This last week I've sure needed to remember God's invitation to:-


Child of My love “Lean Hard,”
And let Me feel the pressure of thy care.
I know thy burden, child; I shaped it
Poised in Mine own hand, made no proportion
In its weight to thine unaided strength;
For even as I laid it on I said –
I shall be near, and while she leans on Me,
The burden shall be Mine, not hers;
So shall I keep My child within the circling arms
Of Mine own love, here lay it down
Nor fear to impose it on a shoulder which upholds
The government of worlds.
Yet closer come, thou art not near enough;
I would embrace thy care,
So might I feel My child reposing on My breast.
Thou lovest Me? I know it, doubt not, then,
But loving ME, lean hard.

This is a rather battered looking yet precious plaque. Sadly, the author's name is not written here. Would love to hear from anyone who may know who wrote it. This has blessed me, challenged me so many, many times through my teenage years, the death of dear Dad during that time and when other "tough" times have made me "Learn Hard" on the One who loves me.

And this shows in just my own life how important "words" written down can reach needy hearts.

And hopefully tomorrow I'll have a bit more energy to tackle more of my own current writing project.
And how close will I be to those loving arms? How close are you right now?

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