Thursday, 2 May 2013

A Tutor For U3A

Would really appreciate any thoughts about my venture into this new role.

Never heard of U3A? I did a few years ago but even when I found out what it stood for, have to confess didn’t even occur to me to investigate U3A.

Wikipedia tells me, “The University of the Third Age is an international organisation whose aims are the education and stimulation of retired members of the community - those in the third 'age' of life. It is commonly referred to as U3A.”

I was curious enough to attend a special meeting to introduce U3A commencing early this year in my area and liked what I heard so much I am now a member of the Tamar Valley U3A. Then when I heard about the kind of six week courses already being offered ventured to put my name down as willing to be a tutor. After all, I’ve been learning a lot about story telling now for more years than I like to remember some times!

So now, I am on a new learning adventure about being a “tutor” since my submission on writing memoirs was accepted. Registrations for the second term courses are now being taken and they will commence on May 20th. My course will be from 2-4pm each Thursday.

U3A is an international organisation and I’d love to hear from anyone who has been, or is still a member.
I’ve now given many talks about writing, presented several workshops for writers but I’m wondering just how this may be different. I am planning on talking about using story-telling techniques to hook not only fond family readers but a wider readership.

What did you like the most about the tutor? What did you dislike the most?

And for those who have not been to U3A, what would you think those attending will need and also expect to learn about writing your life story so your ancestors will know who you are?


  1. Hi Mary. Good story about the Kindle. Neil and I have the same scene often. They are a great invention, even though there's still nothing quite like a real book!
    Re U3A I've been president of one of our local groups for the past four years. In fact I started the group. I've just convinced someone else to take over as president, but she did it only if I would be vice-president, so not much will change. It's a great organisation, but as with any group it's not easy to get others to take leadership, so be careful what you offer. Seriously, I think it's one of the best groups for getting to know new people and keeping minds active. I hope you continue to enjoy it.

  2. And I've been reading a "real" book today instead of writing, Carol. I sure know have to say "no" more often about leadership roles. Enjoyed 2 years as President of Society Women Writers Tasmania and now enjoy the meetings even more now not on the committee even as vice-president. I have my first session next Thursday with those registered for my course on U3A. Only a small number this first time - thank goodness.


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