Thursday, 31 May 2012

Writing blog posts for writers – OR readers

The question has to be asked, “Who is my blog readership? What topics are best to include?”

It has been interesting to check out the statistics on my blog posts. It never ceases to amaze me that viewers from so many countries around the world have come to my blog. Many have returned and some of course only been the once.

The most number of  reviews of my posts have been when the word “Writer” is in the title or there is of course a book giveaway offered.  I am wondering if other writers also find this happening. Is this just because writers mainly read other writers’ blogs?

“Ray on Monday” posts are devotional meditations by my husband. A few times when life for me has been too hectic – like the last few weeks helping to coordinate the Romance Writers of Australia Tasmanian Roadshow – Ray has also helped out with my Thursday posts also. His page views have also increased if they are obviously about writing.

I tend to write about what has been happening during the week in my life, whether that be primarily family or about writing and books.  The question remains, what are readers of posts on the blog of Mary Hawkins, Australian Author, interested in the most?

Okay, confession time! Being a writer, I primarily read blogs by other writers, agents and editors. However like all writers, I am an avid reader also but these days there are just so many blogs by other authors to choose from. So how do I decide which ones to follow? How do you choose?

Would love to have some comments from readers whether here or by email to

Which blog subjects interest you the most and why?
What do you prefer to read on my blog?
What has made you want the most to be a “follower” of any blog?
Do you have any suggestions of topics you would like me to tackle here?


  1. It's a tough one isn't it Mary? I've been trying different things on my blog too, to see what is working and what is not.
    As a blog reader I find it hard to define what draws me. If I think about blogs I follow, there are days where the posts don't interest me and other days where I am inspired or moved. Testimonies, new slants on Scripture, pertinent writing information, book reviews - they each have a place of interest at times. :)

  2. Thanks, Amanda. I am considering just posting on Thursday every second week and Ray on Monday (or perhaps Thursday?) the alternate week. I find it not only time consuming but brain-wise as well. Ideal would be to have guest bloggers but with the hectic life we seem to not be able to slow down that also takes time. I just need time to write my current manuscript!


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